Terms of Use

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By purchasing this resource, you acknowledge that the contents are the property of Spillin’ The Teach and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use as a single user. Spillin’ The Teach retains the copyright, and reserves all rights to this product. If you would like to share this product with colleagues, you can purchase additional licenses at a discounted price on TPT. 


  • Use items (free and purchased) for your own classroom students, or your own personal use.

  • Reference this product in blog posts, social media posts, seminars, or professional development workshops provided that Spillin’ The Teach is given credit as the creator and a link back to the Spillin’ The Teach website is provided.


  • Claim this work as your own.

  • Alter the files in your purchase in any way, including removing/attempting to remove the copyright or watermarks.

  • Sell the files or combine them into another product for sale/free.

  • Post this document for sale/free elsewhere on the internet.

  • Making copies of purchased items to share with others is not permitted, and is a violation of the Terms of Use and copyright laws.

If you encounter an issue with your file, notice an error, or experience a problem, please contact us for support!